Week 4: Diamond Shapes – Princess vs Radiant

This week, square and rectangular diamond are often found with either princess or radiant cuts. Both styles were designed to highlight the stunning beauty of the diamond. It is difficult to choose between the two, as the differences can make it hard to determine which cut would suit you best. Let’s get started on the two famous cuts to help you decide.

Princess Cut

The look of a princess cut diamond when viewed from upside down resembles the shape of a pyramid with its geometric shape. Princess cut diamonds are usually square gems with pointed corners that feature many small facets. The faceting creates a classic look and has a purpose as well as it helps hide inclusions. The princess cut diamond is famous for its extremely brilliant and gorgeous sparkle making it one of the most popular engagement ring choices out there. However, it isn’t just limited to rings as they can be found on almost any type of jewellery.

Check out our favorite Princess Cut engagement ring.

Radiant Cut

The main difference between the princess and radiant cuts are that radiant cut diamonds feature cut corners as the signature look. The radiant cut features symmetrical brilliant faceting in its precise 70 facets giving it a very luxurious look with striking flair. Elongated radiant cut diamonds are the most sought after due to its larger appearance. While the radiant cut shape resembles the emerald cut, the radiant cut provides brilliance that can not be matched by the emerald. Overall the radiant cut delivers a unique cut that is unmatched in its brilliance and beauty.

Check out our favorite Radiant Cut engagement ring.


In conclusion, both princess and radiant cuts are beautifully stunning choices that will compliment the finger of many. While the radiant cut is more durable and brilliant than the princess cut, princess cut diamonds can usually be found as a more affordable option. Both will bring happiness and signify the start of the rest of your lives; you can’t make a wrong decision.

See you next week!